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Hanwha 20KTKS-00-00000P-H003 SEOS Reader with Keypad, 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz OSDP and Wiegand

Marque: Hanwha Vision
Référence ADI #:20KTKS0000000PH003 Modèle #: 20KTKS-00-00000P-H003  Nom: Hanwha 20KTKS-00-00000P-H003 SEOS Reader with Keypad, 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz OSDP and Wiegand
  • Hanwha Signo 20 (13.56MHz) SEOS Reader & Keypad
  • Wiegand/OSDP
  • NFC/BLE 2.4GHz

Sale Type: Nouveau

Image of 20KTKS0000000PH003
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