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Bosch F.01U.418.004 Intelligent Video Analytics IVA Pro Détection visuelle d'armes à feu

Marque: Bosch
Référence ADI #:MVC-IVA-VGD Modèle #: F.01U.418.004  Nom: Bosch F.01U.418.004 Intelligent Video Analytics IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection
  • Designed to detect persons and brandished guns (86.7% true positive rate under pre-defined conditions) in order to reduce reaction time in hazardous situations
  • Privacy protection; all computations are carried out on-edge, with no video data being required to leave the camera
  • Easy installation; no additional server or camera calibration necessary

Sale Type: Nouveau

Bosch F.01U.418.004 Intelligent Video Analytics IVA Pro Détection visuelle d'armes à feu
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