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HID 900NTNTEK00000 Lecteur IClass R10 SE, 13,56MHz, IClass SEOS SIO CSN (32bits), boitier noir, communication Wiegand, sortie sur bornier

Marque: HID Global
Référence ADI #:900NTNTEK00000 Modèle #: 900NTNTEK00000  Nom: HID 6100C iCLASS SE R10 Smart Card Reader, Standard Profile, Wiegand, Terminal, Standard 1 Security, LED Red, Flashing Green, Buzzer On, 32bit, Black
  • Mobile device support using iCLASS Seos enables HID access control
  • Intelligent Power Management (IPM) reduces reader power
  • SIO Media Mapping simplifies deployment of third-party objects to multiple types of credentials


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