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HID FARGO 45010 ID Card Printer/Encoder Ribbon, Yellow/Magenta/Cyan/Resin Noir/Overlay/Dye-Sub Noir Cartridge, 200 Image per Roll, With Resin Noir/Clear Overlay Panel

Référence ADI #:045010 Modèle #: 045010  Nom: HID FARGO 45010 ID Card Printer/Encoder Ribbon, Yellow/Magenta/Cyan/Resin Black/Overlay/Dye-Sub Black Cartridge, 200 Image per Roll, With Resin Black/Clear Overlay Panel
  • Ribbon Cartridge offers a dependable printing solution with maximum productivity
  • Dye-sublimation technology produces prints that are dry and ready to handle right out of the printer
  • Features YMCKOK print colour to better suit your requirements with maximum efficiency
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