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Sensor for detecting water on the floor by means of 2 gold plated feet. Normally used for protection against the flooding of computer centres, boiler rooms, offices, laboratories, etc. The sensor contained into aluminium case epoxy white painting is equipped with a steel support that allows liquids to be detected at a height ranging from 0 to 11 mm depending on requirements. In alarm condition, the relay changes its status and the LEDS light up. Remote testing and inhibition functions.
Caractéristiques Principales
Wire or terminal connections
High mechanical resistance
Corrosion-proof system
Low consumption
Alarm signal LED
Relay output
Catégorie : Détecteurs de fuite de liquide, Détecteurs environnementaux, Intrusion, Produits
Code universel des produits (CUP) : 8054934901478
Caractéristiques générales
ADI Référence du produit
Code fabricant
Eaton Corporation
Nom de produit
Capteur de Fuite Liquide 2450 N Liquid Leak Sensor