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Hikvision DS-D42V24-H Carte de contrôle LED, HDR, affichage multi-fenêtres

Marque: Hikvision
Référence ADI #:317000251 Modèle #: DS-D42V24-H  Nom: Hikvision DS-D42V24-H LED Control Card, HDR, Multi-Windows Display
  • Multiple Signal Interfaces; 6-Channel of video signal input (2x HDMI 2.0 and 4x DVI), 6-Channel of video signal output (2x HDMI 2.0 and 4x DVI); 1-Channel of HDMI 1.4 output for pre-monitoring; 1-Channel of 3D signal synchronization output for 3D display
  • Ultra-Large Load Capacity; 24-Channels of network interface with the resolution of up to 15.60MP
  • HDR Output; Provides more lively and colorful image with high quality and clear details
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